What dose it Mean To be a Friend


A)ccepts you as you are
B)elieves in "you"
C)alls you just to say "HI"
D)oesn't give up on you
E)nvisions the whole of you
F)orgives your mistakes
G)ives unconditionally
H)elps you
J)ust wants to "be" with you
K)eeps you close at heart
L)oves you for who you are
M)akes a difference in your life
N)ever Judges
O)ffers support
P)icks you up
Q)uiets your fears
R)aises your spirits
S)ays nice things about you
T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
U)nderstands you
V)alues you
W)alks beside you
X)plain things you don't understand
Y)ells when you won't listen and
Z)aps you back to reality when you need it


Why is it that this kind of relationships are becoming very rear among us Arabs?
Might it be that we are not able to have this realtionship with our selfs, in order for us to share it with others??
I wonder!!


Until I find you Again …!!


Lately I’ve been trying to fill up my days
Since you are gone.
The speed of love is blinding
& I didn’t know how to hold on.
My mind want clear, I am out of tears
My heart got no room left inside.

How many dreams will end? How long can I pretend
How many times will love pass my by
Until I find you again

Will the arms of hope surround me
Will time be a fair-weather friend
Should I call out angels, just drink myself sober again.
I can’t hide its true
I still burn for you; your memory wont let me go

How many dreams will end? How long can I pretend
How many times will love pass my by
Until I find you again

I’d hold you tighter, closer than ever before
No flame would burn brighter
If I could touch you once more, hold you once more

How many dreams will end? How long can I pretend
How many time will love pass my by
Until I find you………. Again